
Internship project - Skatteetaten

Did you know that tax calculations are quite intricate? There are thousands of conditional rules as to how your tax should be calculated. How would you go about visualizing all of these conditional rules?

This was the main task for the internship with the Norwegian Tax Administration. They needed a tool to better visualize how the rules depended on each other, a tool to traverse the rules, and a tool to mock up a tax calculation. This tool would then be employed internally so that tax-payer cases could be resolved more effectively. The project was based on an earlier internship project, and was redone by our team of four.

The development was primarily a front-end task, demanding parsing an enormous tree structure to a sensible presentation. Through the weeks, we built multiple different views of the data, and by the end, we provided a fully functional tool for visualizing, traversing and mocking intricate tax calculations.